We typically attempt to stay away from spiders at all costs because they are unsettling and eerie pests. Unfortunately, spiders in Long Island don’t always remain outside where they belong, even with our best efforts.

Rest assured, Optimum Pest Control has provided spider extermination services and spider control in Long Island, NY for a long time.

When spiders start to appear around your house or office, they can become a nuisance and give you the chills if they catch you off guard. Spiders are among the most fearsome household pests, and for good reason. Numerous common spiders can cause severe symptoms like redness, swelling, and systemic distress with their painful and venomous bite.

Unfortunately, because spiders like to live in places where they can quickly find prey, they can be found living in almost every building. Although certain spiders help control the number of insects, it is best to keep them outside where they are less dangerous to people.

To keep spiders off your property and home, it’s important to understand the different species that can range in danger from extremely harmless to extremely dangerous.

Are Spiders a Problem in New York?

Although there are many different kinds of spiders in New York, the majority of them are thought to be harmless. Examples of these include jumping, wolf, orb-web, house, and cellar spiders.

Even though some of them are enormous, frightening, and unpredictable, most of the time humans won’t suffer much harm from them other than fear if they bite or are poisonous.

To identify which spiders could pose a threat to you and how to avoid poisonous ones, it’s beneficial to be aware of common New York spiders and their hiding places if you come across them in your residence or place of business.

A single spider can breed into many more, and infestations can get very expensive. To hold spiders out of your home or place of business in New York, get in touch with Optimum Pest Control.

Spider Types

Most Frequently Found Spider Types in Long Island, NY

Spiders usually only live a year in New York. The majority survive the winter as eggs, which mature into adults in the summer before dying in the autumn. Nevertheless, certain species hibernate as dormant adults during the winter months by hiding in cracks under stones, bark, or window panes.

Here are some common spider species found during spider control in Long Island, NY:

American House Spiders

The species that is most frequently observed in and around homes is the American house spider or Achaearanea tepidariorum. These spiders are usually visible when they are suspended upside down from unkempt webs by a few threads.

To remain shielded from the weather, these spiders weave webs, frequently breaking into houses or commercial buildings. But these spiders might still have trouble surviving inside a house, so they might move to a nearby garage or shed.

Despite being an undesirable pest indoors, common American house spiders usually leave people alone.

Jumping Spiders

The Salticidae family of spiders includes the jumping spider, which is another common species in New York. These spiders are distinguished from others by their unique appearance and are thought to be intelligent because they often exhibit individual personalities.

During the day, these highly perceptive spiders are active and hunt both insects and other spiders.

They can leap enormous distances in pursuit of food or vegetation, as their name would imply.

To create draglines, jumping spiders plant their abdomens on the ground before making a jump. This allows their spinnets to clamp onto the silk, allowing them to fall only a short distance.

Cellar Spiders

Since they belong to the same family as the frequently encountered cellar spider, you have undoubtedly heard of daddy long legs.

Cells laid by female cellar spiders, who are members of the Pholcidae family, are wrapped in silk and carried in the fangs of the spider.

Notwithstanding certain urban legends to the contrary, these spiders are not known to bite or be poisonous. In contrast, these spiders defend themselves by quickly spinning around in their web, hiding, and going almost completely undetectable to would-be attackers.

Crab Spiders

The way crab spiders hold their legs out to the sides and move in a crab-like motion is how they get their name. Frequently having significantly larger first two pairs of legs, they resemble crabs even more.

These spiders wait motionlessly for their prey to approach them instead of creating webs. A wide variety of animals use their potent, fast-acting venom to instantly paralyze insects, including flies, butterflies, and bees, as prey on flowers.

Crab spiders can turn white, yellow, or pink over several days to blend in with the flower’s color. Finding stationary insects positioned at strange angles on flowers is one of the best ways to locate these spiders.

Sac Spiders

Sac spiders usually have light-colored bodies, prominently extending spinnerets and dark fangs. For sleeping retreats and raising their young, they weave tiny silk sacs beneath loose bark or rocks.

Sac spiders are nocturnal hunters who forage in vegetation and sometimes inside homes. They do not have capture webs. They have painful or itchy ulcerating sores that take a long time to heal due to their necrotic venom.

Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders get their name from their propensity to be brown or grey, somewhat hairy spiders that chase after their prey. Their eight enlarged eyes provide them with good vision, and they have long, sturdy legs.

Wolf spiders are common, and they feed at night on the ground or in the undersides of plants. The spherical, light-colored egg sacs that female wolf spiders carry are affixed to their spinnerets. The spiderlings spend roughly a week adhering to hairs on their mother’s abdomen after they hatch.

When you go outside at night, hold a flashlight next to your head so that it is level with your eyes and use it to look at the ground in front of you.

What is the Best Spider Control?

  • As a result of their predation on other insects and pests, managing the abundance of these things on your property is the most effective strategy to keep spiders at bay.
  • Reducing the number of insects that spiders can eat will help you significantly reduce their threat.
  • Replace the vapor lights in the garden, which do not draw numerous insects.
  • As far away from your living area as you can, stack the firewood and wooden logs.
  • Rake the yard’s organic debris, including fallen leaves, regularly.
  • Regular pruning is necessary for the trees and shrubs that border the house.
  • Carefully inspect your home’s structure for any cracks or gaps, paying close attention to the doors, windows, and building foundations in particular. If there are any cracks, caulk or seal them.
  • Likewise, confirm that the windows and doors suit their frames properly. The netting on windows and doors should also be free of tears and holes.
  • You can remove spiders with a long-handled broom if you discover them making nests outside your house. If this is insufficient, high-pressure water spraying will work.
  • Using an industrial vacuum cleaner, you could also try sucking the spiders away.
  • Frequent cleaning, such as weekly cleaning routines that include thorough vacuuming and sweeping of closets, corners, and basements, deters spiders and helps keep them at a distance in indoor spaces.
  • Even though the odd spider might not be a sign of a serious issue, you should get professional assistance if you think you may have an infestation.

Pest Control

Optimum Pest Control Provides Spider Control in Long Island, NY

We are Optimum Pest Control, and we have been providing spider control in Long Island for over 20 years. Our base is in New York. We use cutting-edge methods while being mindful of the environment.

At Optimum Pest Control, we specialize in treating particular pest problems like spider infestations in your neighborhood.

Please review the testimonials we’ve received. We’ve relied on client recommendations and providing excellent customer service to grow our business.

Remember that we are your neighbors, not just another pest control company. We provide specialized pest management services that are dependable and consistent because we are dedicated to serving the Long Island community.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us at this time!