The gray tree squirrel is a common problem entering homes through the roof most times in attics and soffits. They must be all trapped and removed before any repairs to holes are done. If a hole is closed and a squirrel is trapped INSIDE it will do damage trying to get out in some situations getting into the house. If a hole is closed and a squirrel is trapped OUTSIDE it will do damage to the exterior of the house to try to get in gnawing and scratching at the house.
Raccoons also nest in attics and soffits like squirrels but can be more dangerous being more likely to be rabid. They also can nest underneath decks and crawl spaces that have open access from the outside.
Safe Harm-Free Animal Removal Traps
We use humane removal methods to rid your home of these animals. Using traps, we can safely remove an animal without harming it. When all animals are removed, in some cases, we can patch the entrance hole, stopping any further problems. If you hear noises coming from the attic or soffits around your home, there is a good chance a squirrel or raccoon is getting in to make a home for itself. Call now to let us check your home free of charge. Exclusions – chimney caps and roof covers are available for future prevention. Please call for a quote.
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Identifying your problem is the first step to solving it. Let us come by and inspect your home free of charge to properly identify your pest problem. Whether it’s insects, rodents, or wildlife removal, we can rid your home of these unwanted invaders.
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